Cycle student

The wet weather last weekend did not affect the Mountain Bike Leader training which took place in the classroom and used the two 3 mile mtb trails for the practical sessions. The Park hosts regular training sessions for those seeking to improve their technical and group management skills. 13% of our 336,000 annual visitors are cyclists and with such a large number it is important that we can influence their level of awareness as far as other users are concerned, and also to facilitate where possible appropriate training and events.

The training offered is the MIAS Mountain Bike Leader training. MIAS stands for the Mountain bike Instructors Award Scheme. The aim being to ‘promote safe enjoyment of all aspects of mountain biking in an ‘on’ or ‘off’ road environment’.  

The next dates for training sessions are the 28th/29th May and the 30th June/1st July. For more information and to make a booking go to or contact Phil Quill at

The Park hosts regular cycling events throughout the season. More details in the Park Pages at